[Ipe-discuss] Alpha release Ipe 7.0.2 available

Gwenaël Cléon gwenael.cleon at gmail.com
Sun Sep 27 21:38:05 CEST 2009

Thank you Otfried for this new release,

I am sorry but I can not compile under Mac Os X Snow Leopard :

* I use the 64 bit version of Qt4.6-tp1
* Every necessary librairies (jpeg, zib, cairo, ...) have been 64 bit- 
compiled manually.
* I define a PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable to define where are the  
different librairies.
* Everything seems to be Ok at the begining of the compilation, and  
then, at image.cpp, an erro that I can't understand :
(sorry to bother you with a lot of code) :

make --directory=ipelets/image all
mkdir -p ../../../build/obj/ipelets; echo "" > ../../../build/obj/ 
ipelets/image.depend; for f in image.cpp; do g++ -MM -MT ../../../ 
build/obj/ipelets/${f%%.cpp}.o -I../../include -DQT_SHARED -I/opt/ 
qt-4.6-tp1/include -I/opt/qt-4.6-tp1/include/QtGui -I/opt/qt-4.6-tp1/ 
include/QtCore   $f >> ../../../build/obj/ipelets/image.depend; done
Compiling image.cpp...
g++ -Wall -g -O2 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fPIC -I../../include - 
DQT_SHARED -I/opt/qt-4.6-tp1/include -I/opt/qt-4.6-tp1/include/QtGui - 
I/opt/qt-4.6-tp1/include/QtCore    -c -o ../../../build/obj/ipelets/ 
image.o image.cpp
mkdir -p ../../../build/ipelets
g++  -shared  -o ../../../build/ipelets/image.so ../../../build/obj/ 
ipelets/image.o -L../../../build/lib -lipe -F/opt/qt-4.6-tp1/lib - 
framework QtGui -framework QtCore -framework Carbon -framework AppKit - 
framework ApplicationServices -L/opt/qt-4.6-tp1/lib -lpng -lz -lm
Undefined symbols:
  "ipe::Page::append(ipe::TSelect, int, ipe::Object*)", referenced from:
      ImageIpelet::insertJpeg(QString)       in image.o
      ImageIpelet::insertBitmap(QString)       in image.o
  "ipe::Cascade::findLayout() const", referenced from:
      ImageIpelet::computeRect()       in image.o
  "ipe::Buffer::Buffer(ipe::Buffer const&)", referenced from:
      ImageIpelet::insertBitmap(QString)       in image.o
  "ipe::Bitmap::Bitmap(ipe::Bitmap const&)", referenced from:
      ImageIpelet::insertJpeg(QString)       in image.o
      ImageIpelet::insertBitmap(QString)       in image.o
  "ipe::Bitmap::~Bitmap()", referenced from:
      ImageIpelet::insertJpeg(QString)       in image.o
      ImageIpelet::insertJpeg(QString)       in image.o
      ImageIpelet::insertBitmap(QString)       in image.o
      ImageIpelet::insertBitmap(QString)       in image.o
  "ipe::Buffer::~Buffer()", referenced from:
      ImageIpelet::insertJpeg(QString)       in image.o
      ImageIpelet::insertBitmap(QString)       in image.o
      ImageIpelet::insertBitmap(QString)       in image.o
  "ipe::Vector::ZERO", referenced from:
      ImageIpelet::computeRect()       in image.o
  "ipe::Bitmap::Bitmap(int, int, ipe::Bitmap::TColorSpace, int,  
ipe::Buffer, ipe::Bitmap::TFilter, bool)", referenced from:
      ImageIpelet::insertJpeg(QString)       in image.o
      ImageIpelet::insertBitmap(QString)       in image.o
  "ipe::Buffer::Buffer(int)", referenced from:
      ImageIpelet::insertBitmap(QString)       in image.o
  "ipe::Buffer::Buffer(char const*, int)", referenced from:
      ImageIpelet::insertJpeg(QString)       in image.o
  "ipe::Image::Image(ipe::Rect const&, ipe::Bitmap)", referenced from:
      ImageIpelet::insertJpeg(QString)       in image.o
      ImageIpelet::insertBitmap(QString)       in image.o
  "ipe::Rect::Rect(ipe::Vector const&, ipe::Vector const&)",  
referenced from:
      ImageIpelet::computeRect()       in image.o
      ImageIpelet::computeRect()       in image.o
  "ipe::Ipelet::~Ipelet()", referenced from:
      ImageIpelet::~ImageIpelet()in image.o
      ImageIpelet::~ImageIpelet()in image.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [../../../build/ipelets/image.so] Error 1
make: *** [ipelets/image] Error 2

Thank you for your help
(note that ipe 6 compiled well under Mac OS X 10.6).

Gwenaël Cléon

Le 27 sept. 2009 à 20:58, Otfried Cheong a écrit :

> A new alpha release of Ipe 7 is now available at
> http://tclab.kaist.ac.kr/ipe/
> There are no major missing features, and so this version might  
> actually be usable in practice.  I have done very little testing so  
> far, though.
> If you try it out, please read the chapter in the manual about moving
> from Ipe 6 to Ipe 7.   It is available on-line at
> http://tclab.kaist.ac.kr/ipe/manual/manual_ipe6_to_ipe7.html
> Bug reports should be filed on Ipe Bugzilla, not posted to the list.
> Feel free to use the list to ask questions or discuss the new  
> features,
> of course.
> Enjoy,
> Otfried
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