[Ipe-discuss] Save multiple .eps file for LaTeX animations

Tim Hutt tdhutt at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 20:48:23 CEST 2008

Wouldn't it be easier to use pdfLaTeX?

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Raphael Plasson <rplasson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> ipe is quite useful to include animations in LaTeX presentation files.
> However, it seems that it is not possible to save multiple view ipe
> files in eps format. It would be very useful to have the opportunity to
> save such files into several eps files by a unique operation (e.g.
> saving a file with 3 views in eps files giving the name "test" would
> generate test-01.eps, test-02.eps and test-03.eps). As an example, I am
> giving at the end of the email the bash script that I am using to
> convert the ipe pdf into separates eps files.
> Moreover, it would be interesting that all these files share all the
> exact same cropping box, so that they can just be inserted in the LaTeX
> file in a succession of slides. If the cropbox option of the document is
> selected, the cropbox is set independently for each view, depending on
> the present objects in the view, which results in different sizes for
> each page. Unselecting the cropbox is not a solution, as the whole page
> is then set as the cropbox. The only solution is to add a white
> rectangle (rather than invisible, it is ignored by the cropbox if the
> color is set as void rather than white) where one wants the cropbox to
> be on a separate layer present on all views. What one would expect would
> be simply to obtain, for all the views, the cropbox that corresponds to
> a view that would show all the layers at the same time.
> Thank you,
> Raphaël
> ********************************************
> #!/bin/bash
> # requires pdf2ps (from ghostscript package) and pdftk (from pdftk
> package :-)
> pdftk $1 burst output ${1%.pdf}-%02d.pdf # Separate each page
> for i in ${1%.pdf}-[0-9][0-9].pdf
> do
>       pdftk $i output $i.corr   # Correct bad xref (pdftk bug??)
>       pdf2ps $i.corr ${i%.pdf}.eps  # Convert to eps
> done
> rm ${1%.pdf}-[0-9][0-9].pdf ${1%.pdf}-[0-9][0-9].pdf.corr  # remove temp
> files
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