[Ipe-discuss] ipe not compatible with tex live 2007?

Otfried Cheong otfried at tclab.kaist.ac.kr
Mon Feb 26 02:26:41 CET 2007

M A wrote:
> I have just installed the new Tex Live 2007 distribution and have the
> ipe 6.0pre28 version installed. When I try to latex some text within
> ipe I get the error:

Tex Live 2007 contains the brand new pdftex 1.40, which makes a subtle 
change in the format of the generated PDF.  Since Ipe needs to parse 
pdftex PDF output, it is very sensitive to such changes.

I will release a new version of Ipe that fixes this shortly.  If you 
can't wait and are willing to recompile Ipe yourself, you can find the 
necessary patches at "http://tclab.kaist.ac.kr/ipe/pdftex1.40patches.zip".


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