[Ipe-discuss] snap to text corner?

Jan Hlavacek jhlavace at svsu.edu
Fri Apr 27 18:34:16 CEST 2007

Daniel Selahi Durusoy wrote:
> I would like to be able to use "snap to vertices"
> to snap to the big green dot for the text boxes. anybody
> else wants it, too? (I'm using IPE 6 pre 28)

I use this as a work-around:  select the text, go to Ipelets->Goodies and 
insert bounding box.  Then you can just snap to vertices.

Problem is that if you edit or resize the text, you have to remove the old 
bounding box and insert a new one.

> for example to align two texts horizontally/vertically,

For aligning texts and other objects horizontally or vertically, select all 
of them and press Shift-H or Shift-V.

Jan Hlavacek                                        Science West 359
Department of Mathematics                             (989) 964-2004
Saginaw Valley State University                                  ---

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