[Ipe-discuss] can no longer display minus sign

H C Pumphrey H.C.Pumphrey at ed.ac.uk
Thu Apr 26 11:28:02 CEST 2007

steve at sumost.ca wrote:

> I've recently used ipe for the first time in years and noticed that
> certain symbols no longer show up, e.g. minus sign, apostrophe, prime.
> For example, $v' = p - p$ shows up as "v = p p".  Other symbols, e.g.
> parentheses and '+', do work.
> I'm using the Debian package of Ipe (6.0pre28 with patches
> http://tclab.kaist.ac.kr/ipe/pdftex1.40patches.zip to parse pdftex
> 1.40).  Debian is using the texlive packaging of TeX.

I have the stock ipe package on Debian stable (etch, of course, since last 
week) and it does not show this problem. But Debian offers two alternative TeX 
systems: teTeX and texlive. I am using teTeX, mainly through inertia, so maybe 
  ipe works better with teTeX than with texlive?

Hope this helps



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