[Ipe-discuss] How to copy object between IPE drawings?

Otfried Cheong otfried at kaist.ac.kr
Wed Mar 15 14:04:37 CET 2006

> I often create some schematic diagrams complemented with math formulas
> for my students. So I'd like to reuse some typical objects. I've created
> a dedicated sheet ("object library") with objects like transistors,
> current source, voltage source, capacitor and so on, and I would like to
> copy the objects from one IPE window (the library) to the second window
> (the currently edited sheet).
> However up to now I was not able to find a way to do it :-(.
> The only way is to start from my "library sheet" and create diagram by
> copying and moving objects INSIDE of the sheet and  finally remove
> unused objects. It is not very conenient and makes combininng objects
> from different "libraries" impossible.
> Is such functionality available in IPE? Maybe I've missed something in
> the menus or in the documentation?

Ipe (not IPE, by the way) uses the clipboard for copying objects - and 
there isn't really any difference between copying between different 
instance of the Ipe program, different windows of the same Ipe program, 
or within one Ipe document.

This works fine for me on Windows.  In the past, there have sometimes 
been problems with copy/paste on Linux - is that again the case?  I'm 
simply using standard Qt functions for clipboard import/export.  What 
platform are you using?


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