[Ipe-discuss] Feature request: Ruler

Otfried Cheong otfried at kaist.ac.kr
Tue Apr 18 06:56:16 CEST 2006

Kaushik Ghose wrote:
  > A ruler would be a graduated scale on x and y axes (just outside the
> drawing area) that would allow one to place the cursor at definite 
> points on the paper. e.g. I have a need to subdivide a landscape mode 
> letter paper into three equal sections. A ruler would come in very handy 
> for me.

Why don't you make a few custom rulers to achieve this?
E.g. add this style sheet to your document:

<ipestyle name="rulers">
<grid name="1 inch" value="72"/>
<grid name="11/3 inches" value="264"/>

Select "11/3 inches" as your grid size, and you have nice grid markers 
subdividing the letter paper into three equal pieces.

Note that Ipe does display the current cursor location in the bottom 
right corner.  I can easily add the option of switching the display 
(which is now in points = 1/72 inch) to inch or mm.
I'm not really excited about adding sliding rulers like xfig has.


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