[Ipe-discuss] Shading definition in stylesheet

Otfried Cheong otfried at kaist.ac.kr
Wed Mar 16 11:04:27 CET 2005

> What exactly is the meaning of the "coords" and "extend" attributes used
> in shading?  This is from the example stylesheet in the manual:
> <shading type="axial" colora="1 0.9 0.5" colorb="1 0.8 0.75"
>          coords="0 0 0 200" extend="0 1"/>
> For example, is it possible to have a shaded band of a certain height, or
> fraction of the vertical size,  at the top of every slide?
> How would I specify that?


<shading type="axial" colora="1 0.9 0.5" colorb="1 0.8 0.75"
          coords="0 180 0 200" extend="0 0"/>

This would give you a shaded band between y=180 and y=200, without 
extending above or below that.

For axial shading, the coords attributes specify two points, and a band 
orthogonal to the line segment between these points is shaded.  The 
extend values can be 0 or 1, and indicate whether shading is extended 
beyond the start and end point of the segment.

You can check the PDF reference for more details :-)


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