[Ipe-discuss] Difference in latex output

Johan Ingvast ingvast at md.kth.se
Fri Feb 25 11:18:31 CET 2005

I try to keep the notation in my figures to look equal in my lyx-document
(latex) and in the included figures. Therefore I have a style sheet that
includes some of my preamble of my document. However I get a difference

My stylesheet have

    <ipestyle name="preamble-report">
    % $Revision: $
    \renewcommand{\mathbf}[1]{\mbox{ \boldmath$\!\!#1$\unboldmath}}
    \newcommand{\tsc}[1]{\textit{\scriptsize #1}}

When I input $q_{\tsc{min}}$ into a textfield the subscript is shown in
normal text without the italics and also in normal size.
The output from latex have the italics and scriptsize.

I have also looked into $HOME/.ipe/latexrun/text.tex and it looks ok.

Part of the pdflatex output is:
 LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/lmr/m/it' undefined
 (Font)              using `OT1/lmr/m/n' instead on input line 54.
Does this mean that OT1 is the default encoding? I don't think lmodern
exist in OT1. Is this the reason?

How can I change to T1?


Johan Ingvast, PhD student http://www.md.kth.se/~ingvast
Department of Machine Design, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
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