[Ipe-discuss] Trouble compiling ipe

Otfried Cheong ocheong at win.tue.nl
Thu May 1 13:17:49 CEST 2003

 > I am trying to compile ipe 6 on my sunblade workstation running SunOS 5.8. 
 > The gnu c++ compiler cannot compile IPE, since it encounters internal 
 > compiler errors. I tried changing the code, but the compiler crashes when 
 > compiling most of the modules. Then, I tried using the SUNWspro c++ 
 > compiler, but that gives me a lot of compilation errors.

Since nobody else seems to be answering this, I will give it a try.
What version of g++ are you using ("g++ --version" will tell you).
Perhaps g++ hasn't been installed correctly, you may want to install a
more recent version. 

Finally, often "internal errors" can be avoided by simply compiling
without optimization.  You could replace "release" in all the ".pro"
files by "debug" and see what happens.

In principle, I would like the Ipe source code to be compilable by any
recent C++ compiler.  Unfortunately, I don't have good access to any
commercial Unix compiler here, so right now I don't have the
possibility to go through the problems with the SUN compiler.


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