[Ipe-discuss] Style sheet

Otfried Cheong o.cheong at tue.nl
Tue Apr 1 11:41:44 CEST 2003

 > After fighting with libfreetype.so I succeed to compile
 > and trying to execute I got :
 > Current locale is C
 > ipe: ipecolor.cpp:259: class IpeColor 
 > IpeRepository::ToColor(IpeAttribute) const: Assertion `attr.Kind() == 
 > IpeAttribute::EColor' failed.
 > zsh: abort      /net/home/prisme/ipe6.0pre9/bin/ipe

This is very mysterious.  Can you check that you didn't accidentally
link with the old version of libipe.so? (Do "ldd" on the ipe binary.)


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