[Ipe-announce] Ipe 7.2.14 is out

Otfried Cheong ipe at otfried.org
Sun Apr 19 15:21:22 CEST 2020

Ipe 7.2.14 is now available in source form, as a Windows binary, as a MacOS app, and as Linux packages on the Ipe homepage at http://ipe.otfried.org.

The main reason for this release is to support users that use Ipe to teach online, by filming directly from the Ipe canvas and using the ink tool to annotate their slides.   This didn't work so well before because the panels on the left sometimes change width and the canvas therefore jumps around while you stepped through your document.   I have also added a laser pointer for this use case.   Here are some tips if you consider doing this yourself:


In addition, quite a number of minor issues have finally been fixed.  

Unfortunately, I can currently compile Mac binaries only on my 11-year old Macbook.  The binaries will work on OSX 10.10 or higher, but I could not compile in features that require new OS versions (e.g. there is no support for the touchbar).    I'll try to compile on newer hardware sometime in the coming week.   In the meantime, you could compile yourself (if you already have macports, that's very easy).



Ipe 7.2.14 (2019-04-19) 

 * New preference 'prefs.osx_properties_width' to enforce a minimum
   width of the properties and layers panels, to avoid the canvas
   jumping left-right while stepping through a document.
 * Mirror at y-axis added, stretch and precise stretch now obeys
   axis orientation.
 * View sorter to rearrange the views of a page (issue #128).
 * New "laser pointer" mode that is useful when giving a presentation
   by filming directly from the Ipe canvas.

 * Added actions "Mark views from this view" and "Unmark views from
   this view".

 * Make sure that properties panel doesn't change width while going
   through a document by basing the button format on the largest
   number of views and on the number of pages.
   New preferences "view_button_prefix" and "page_button_prefix" to
   make the display more concise for advanced users.
 * Fix notes display in IpePresenter when there are non-ASCII
   characters (issue #282).
 * Include page title in iperender with option -nocrop (issue #287).

 * Allow path objects with trailing "m" operator and without subpaths,
   to simplify automatic generation of Ipe files (issue #274).

 * Show warning message when document contains Type3 fonts (issue #273).

 * Fix positioning of frame in thumbnails (bug #280).
 * Fix incorrect page bounding box when clipping groups (bug #265).

 * Fix TEXINPUTS getting lost on Unix (bug #266).

 * Fix notes field starting with size zero in Ipepresenter on MacOS
   (bug #268).

 * Fix some text fields with black text on dark gray in dark mode on

 * Building separate packages for Ipe and IpePresenter on MacOS and

 * Fix "ipe -sheet presentation" not working.

 * Fix "ipecurl" on MacOS not working if it's not on the path
   (bug #269).


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