[Ipe-announce] Preview 22 available

Otfried Cheong ocheong at win.tue.nl
Tue Sep 7 16:34:52 CEST 2004

It's time for another Ipe release.  First, this finally releases the
new features of preview 21 (I didn't manage to finish this before
going on vacation), second, it fixes the usual number of bugs.



Ipe 6.0 preview 22 (2004-09-07)

 * Fixed crash when cutting the only page.

 * Fixed handling of mark size, text size and mark shape in group

 * Fixed bug #59: pasting didn't work on Unix.

 * Fixed bug #64: undo wasn't properly cleared.

 * Fixed bug #58: "Edit object" now in Edit menu.

 * Fixed enabling/disabling of keyboard shortcuts for edit menu.


Ipe 6.0 preview 21

 * Fixed compilation on some Debian architectures.

 * Corrected default location of manpages (.../share/man/man1)

 * Saving page labels in PDF file.

 * Revised handling of shortcut keys completely.  Shortcuts should now
   be recognized in any situation.

 * Fixed bug #54: Selecting objects no longer first snaps the cursor

 * Fixed bug #55: Edit path didn't show your options when started.

 * Don't create CropBox/ArtBox for entirely empty pages (crashes

 * Added sections and subsections for multi-page documents (shown as
   "Bookmarks" in PDF readers).

 * Documented environment variables in man pages and manual.

 * Members of IpeView are now private.

 * Added -noshading option to ipetoipe.


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