Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
Arisaema-L Arisaema Enthusiast Group (AEG) Discussion List (and other hardy Aroids
bio-pmi-members-l [no description available]
Biomassa-l Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics
Boonstralab-l [no description available]
Bromelia-l Bromelia Contact Groep (BCG)
bspall-l bspall-l
c-overleg-l [no description available]
Cellbiology-l [no description available]
Crispr-l [no description available]
DAC-l [no description available]
Deltaitp [no description available]
Devbio-core-l [no description available]
Devbio-l The C. elegans members of developmental biology
din.nanophotonics-l Nanophotonics
dynsys-aankond-l dynsys aankondigingen
Ecent-l [no description available]
Ecobiodiv-l [no description available]
Fcc.all-l mailing list physical and colloid chemistry
Gqt-l [no description available]
Igg.colloquium-l [no description available]
Igg.studenten-l [no description available]
IMAU-lab-l IMAU laboratorium
Itp-l ITP members
Itp.cmt-l [no description available]
Itp.colloquium-l ITP Colloquium announcements
Itp.conferences-l [no description available]
Itp.string-l ITP String Seminar announcements
Itp.students-l [no description available]
Learningvj16-l Softwareproject Learning Analytics
lotn.thep.deelnemers-l THEP deelnemers
Mbb-l [no description available]
Nano-users Users of Nano cluster
Obi1-users Users of Obi1 cluster
Onderzoekendleren-l [no description available]
Onderzoeksoverleg-fi [no description available]
Orient2012-l eerstejaars orientatiecursus 2012-2014
Qlvrvj16-l software project
Science-for-life-young-investigators-l YIF mailing list
Trillium-l Trillium Enthusiast Discussion List (and other Woodland plants)
Ubc-pi Utrecht bioinformatica centrum PI list

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